Your Smile,
with the spectacular softness
of a rainbow,
makes me
laugh and wish I were
the sky.
--Paul B Janeczko
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Although it’s mostly annoying, sometimes I can’t help but watch Deal or no Deal for a few minutes, at least. So here’s what I would do if my suitcase held the million dollars and I didn’t accept a deal from the banker. 1. Tithing. 2. Save some for a nice, but not overboard house. 3. Take whole extended family on a cruise. 4. Buy a boat. 5. Save for children’s educations and missions. 6. Travel the U.S.A. 7. Research charities and give to one I really believe in. 8. Hire a cleaner to come in once a week. 9. Probably revisit the fertility doctor and try more options. 10. Fly instead of drive home to Oregon. 11. Give back to BYU. 12. Buy a Subaru or maybe a Pacifica. 13. Save, save, save! |
Here they are on the froggy at the little playland.
My first attempt at cake decorating. Very amateurish, I know, but Ty loved it. He kept talking about his "Elmo Take."
His first trike. He can't quite ride it yet, but he sure loves to climb up and down on it.
This is the cutest one of him actually looking at the camera, I think.
Ty and his daddy.
"Hold on, Mom and Dad. Just...gotta...zip...this...up."
If you're happy and you know it...
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1. Worrying that although he always has high fevers, that this 104.7 degree fever is different than the others. 2. Doctor telling you to just wait it out. 3. The constant whining. 4. Forgetting when you gave him medicine last. 5. Being totally homebound. 6. Missing your normal, cute, happy child. 7. Not being able to take him to nursery. 8. Wasting food because he won't eat anything. 9. Snot! 10. Puke! 11. Diarrhea! 12. Waking up every 20-30 minutes. 13. "Negotiating" with your spouse about whose turn it is to get up. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
He’ll be two in two days and I want to
stop the clock. Sure, there are moments when he’s
not so cute: saying "owie, owie!" and crying at the slightest
bump; pressing the buttons on the DVD player so it takes
an hour to set it up right again; pushing away any and all
food we put on his plate; crying out for his binkie at
three-thirty in the morning. But I’d take all that a
thousand times over if I could just keep the way
he loves to snuggle at night; his cute,
"Love you, Mommy" right before I turn out the light;
the constant "I did it!" thrill after accomplishing any
task; the way he loves to "help" us do dishes, take out the
garbage, make the bed, sweep the floor (okay, this could
sometimes be in the annoying column); his fascination with
all lights on or off; his love of hide-and-seek:
"Where’s Ty? Here I am!";
the joy he finds in little things, "jump!jump!jump!".
Oh I know there will be moments of pride and joy in the future:
choosing to be kind to a new kid at school; sacking the
quarterback in a football game; cooking his first dinner for the
family; earning an A in a really tough class. But I wonder if
those moments will bring with them a little ache in my heart
for the little boy–so sweet and innocent–that he is right at
this moment. There will come a day when he doesn’t sing with
gusto at his Barney cartoon; when he doesn’t run to Mommy
and ask me to kiss his foot that he just hurt. He will
probably be embarrassed by me at some point, and
wish I wasn’t his mom. And that’s okay.
But for now, I want to hold on to this moment
in time where his daddy and I are his whole world.
He’ll be two in two days and I want to
stop the clock.
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1. Hyacinths. (The first smell of spring. Aaaahhh) 2. Just after a summer rain. 3. Mom's beef stroganoff in the crock pot. (One sniff of that and all's right with the world) 4. Chlorine. (Think swimming pools, not Clorox) 5. Lemon Dishwasher Detergent. (I love to smell this one so much, one time I accidently snorted it up my nose. It burned. I wouldn't advise doing that.) 6. Mom's Chanel #5. (I would never wear it myself, but everytime I go to a mall, I smell it and think of her) 7. Luv's Diapers. (clean, of course!!!) 8. A new box of Crayola Crayons. 9. Chocolate chip cookies baking. 10. A newly opened can of Tennis Balls. 11. Salty Ocean Breezes. 12. Noxema. (I love this stuff! Maybe because it used to soothe my sunburns) 13. Cilantro. (I would put cilantro on just about anything if I could!) |
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1. Play volleyball on a city league team. I used to play all the time in high school and college. What stops me from doing this is finding a team to play on. I should just ask the city if there's a team that needs another player. 2. Read my Scriptures Regularly. My scripture reading has gone way downhill since Ty was born, and I really don't have a good excuse. I could be reading instead of writing right now. 3. Write up Family Stories. I started this project, but haven't put much effort into it lately. 4. Sing in a Good Choir. Again, here's one I did a lot of in high school and college, but miss as regular adult citizen. There've got to be community-type choirs out there, right? 5. Go back to School for a Degree in Social Work. My passion is adoption and I would love to be a part-time adoption/birth parent worker. 6. Invite people we don't know that well for Dinner. We used to do this all the time when we lived in Provo. 7. Workout Regularly. Tyler screams bloody murder every time I take him to the Gold's Gym daycare. But I could go at night when Brad gets home. Morning before Brad goes to work is NOT an option. 8. Play more games. I love card games and board games. We should play more. 9. Write in my Journal more often. Although this one is kind of done if I print out my blog entries. 10. Keep in better contact with old friends. Because they're such old, dear friends, sometimes I don't work as hard at keeping in touch with them because I know they'll always be there. Shame on me. 11. Paint with Watercolors. I used to love doing this, but living in apartments has halted it. I need a room where I can just keep all my creative stuff out if I want to. 12. Travel more. Between me quitting my job (less money) and Brad getting newly hired (less time-off), and having a baby, we really haven't travelled like we used to. Hopefully that will change. We've opened a vacation savings account and have plans for a Florida vacation in 2007. 13. Go to Enrichment Night. This is a night at my church where the ladies get together to do various activities. It really is a great way to get to know people, but my social anxiety pops up and I usually end up not going. |