Isn't he sweet?
P.S. Yes, I do have vases, but I never unpacked them. They're somewhere in the depths of the abyss we call a garage. I actually think the cheap-o plastic cup doesn't look too bad. Texas must be getting to me!
Isn't he sweet?
P.S. Yes, I do have vases, but I never unpacked them. They're somewhere in the depths of the abyss we call a garage. I actually think the cheap-o plastic cup doesn't look too bad. Texas must be getting to me!
Waiting for the official word to come that we can finally move to San Antonio. We thought it would come the 15th of August, then the 21st. Still no word. No one seems to know what's up. AUGHH!!!
Waiting for ideas to come for a blog entry. Nothing for over a week.
Waiting at the church for people to show up for Activity Days. I somehow missed that the time had been changed.
Waiting for the home teachers to show up.
Waiting for the ibuprofen to take effect after being bonked hard in the nose by the back of my 2 year old's head. (During Sacrament meeting)
Waiting in the Houston traffic.
Waiting for Brad, who was stuck in the Houston traffic.
Waiting for the pounds to leave me, or "the Melt," as Suzanne Somers describes it, after following the Somersize eating plan for two weeks. (Well, 2 weeks minus a weekend that I totally cheated)
And most exciting: Waiting for the first game of the BYU football season this Saturday!!!
The plane ride was non-eventful. We even got the whole row to spread out. The first few days Ty and I stayed with my sister Susan in Eugene, just hanging out and playing. Ty loved the slip n slide and playing with his cousins Jacob, Jessi, Katie, Christian, and Carter. Unfortunately, I wasn't the most diligent picture taker, so most of our two-week adventure went unrecorded.
Once Brad flew in, we spent some time at our family's cabin on the Coast in Florence. This little slice of Heaven is my favorite place on earth. It's here where I spent my childhood summers swimming, rowing, climbing sand dunes, fishing, exploring, reading, sunning, and relaxing, all without telephones and television.
A cute pic of "KayKay," "Jessica Fish," and "Ty Food." The kids made up nicknames for each other, and us. Not pictured: "Chin Chin," "SaySay," "SuSu," and "Grandma CiCi."
The girls also got Tyler hooked on the Cheetah girls. He goes around everywhere now singing Girl Power and Cheetah Sisters! I'm torn because I know he would LOVE it if I got him the CD, but is it just too girly for him to have it?
Poor Brad! It wasn't his lucky day. After crushing a pop can on his forehead and getting this circular-shaped welt, he overturned the canoe, drenching himself and his work cellphone. Luckily, after some intense hair dryer therapy, the phone was revived. He was a little embarrassed, but as Scott said, his clumsiness just endears him to us.