Friday, May 20, 2011

Last Day of School and Kindergarten Graduation

Last days of school were always really hard for me. I grew to love my classmates and teachers, and even though I was excited for summer, I always felt sad that I wouldn't see my friends as much, and that basically things would never be the same again. I've tried really hard not to project my emotions onto Tyler. I just want him to feel what he feels, and not be influenced by me. I guess I've done my job, because even though Tyler loved Kindergarten, he was not sad one bit! Here's his last day:

Graduation was today. I was doing totally fine until they showed a little slide show to the song, "Let Them Be Little." That song always gets me! But combine it with my little man moving on to all day school next year, and it killed me! Ty and all the Kindergarteners did a great job singing and dancing and receiving their diplomas. So cute!

Ty and his good friend Caedin

I thought my Kindergarten teacher was good, but Ms. Asher was the best! She cared for Tyler so much and was so patient with him. I'm so grateful for good teachers!

The Graduate


  1. I love the first picture! He is totally excited!!!

  2. LOVE that first picture of Ty. Oh wow, that's a great shot. You HAVE to frame that one!


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