Having a girl is just too much fun!!!

Lauren did great at church today. She was just tired enough from being woken up from her nap that she sat quietly through Sacrament Meeting! Then Brad took her in to try out the nursery, staying with her since she still has a couple weeks until she's 18 months. I thought she might be a little shy, but she just jumped right in with the other kids and had a great time!
She is such a joy! Each day she shows us something new about her little personality, and each day we fall more in love with her. Her giggles, her little songs, her constant gabbing, her sense of humor...I could go on forever!
I'm so proud of Tyler. He is such a good big brother, playing with Lauren, and helping her, and laughing at her. He has little moments where he shows a bit of regression (wanting to do things that she does, demanding a little bit more attention), but overall I think he's handling it really well. It's got to be a little bit hard after 4 1/2 years of having Mom and Dad to yourself to all of a sudden welcome a little toddler into your family circle, but he's been very gracious and I think he's really excited to finally be a big brother like all his friends.