Ten years ago today I got up early, rode with my parents to the airport--on the way Dad ran over a cat, which was a bit unsettling--and we flew to Provo, where I entered the Missionary Training Center. I had an inkling perhaps, but no real idea how much my mission would affect my life.
(Yes, I am wearing the same outfit in both pictures--pretty much my whole mission, to be truthful)Just a few of the experiences that helped shape my future:
Teaching some very elect people with love and the Spirit
Getting along with companions
Dealing with rejection
Studying and feasting on the scriptures
Working long, hard days in the heat and humidity without complaint (okay, maybe a couple complaints)
Laughing it off when I really wanted to cry
Listening to the spirit tell me truths about who I am and where I need to be
Spending much time on my knees getting to know my Heavenly Father
Overcoming fears
Pitching in to help do anything in a ward or branch or community
Loving the members, and the beauty of the land
Becoming a leader and a trainer
Leaning on the Lord alone, instead of family, friends, roommates, etc.
Having a LOT of fun along the way
Realizing I am on the Lord's side, and committing to do whatever it takes to stay there
Learning I can NEVER fully repay a debt to the Lord--he just keeps giving more blessings!
Extra Bonus, not expected, but certainly appreciated: Finding my eternal companion!
Please don't ask about the hair--we called it the"Cleveland cut of '97". That's Cleveland, Oklahoma, by the way, pop. 3200
Favorite Quotes from the Mish:
*Just go on the dirt road til you see the ceramic pig. If you get to the chicken coop, you've gone too far.
*I don't hate Mormons like all the other Baptists, but you guys do make interesting lesson topics.
*Umm...your dog just peed on me.
*Oh look! We've got roommates. The cockroach family. They must be Mormon because they've got so many kids.
*Sorry, girls, you can't come in, my husband's home...
Umm, we just passed your husband on the road. He waved to us.
*If I'd known it was going to be this good, I would have gotten up an hour earlier!
* Oh Sisters! Come on in and I'll get you a cold washcloth to wipe off your faces.
*You sisters better marry a man from the city who's never even seen a farm before!
*Dearest Missouri: No shoes, No shirt, No Gospel!
*Girl, what you doin' wearin' a torn dress?
*No, really, we're NOT hungry.
*Sisters, wake up! There's a tornado coming!
*Preciate ya
and, my #1 favorite:
*Sisters, I'm just callin' to see if you wanna see me get dunked, cause I've decided to get baptized!!