Sunday, May 27, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Three, Two, and One

Humidity makes bread go moldy faster than dry air.
(This is not my own personal bread, by the way)
When it rains in the Southwest, it pours. Can we say Microbursts?!
And the thunder and lightning is like nothing the West has ever seen.
It’s really satisfying to save money with coupons.
The stores here, (H.E.B., Randalls, CVS, Walgreens) make it really easy to coupon, and coupon well. With the automatic coupon doubling and tripling, and using the store specials/coupons in addition to the manufacturers’ specials/coupons, I’m getting so that many items I buy are free or very little. I’ve even made money on some! I get so excited to grocery shop now! And it’s helping me build up our food storage.
Click here to see my favorite money-saving site. Look especially in the Forums section to get tips on where the great deals are. I think you have to register to get to all the good stuff. It’s free.
Two Products I Love:

I don’t want to jinx myself, but ever since my mom introduced me to this, I’ve taken it at the first sign of getting sick, and it has stopped it in its tracks! Helpful hint: I’ve tried all the flavors and Lemon Lime is the least offensive. I’ve also found about a cup of water is just about the right amount to drop the tablet in. (Not too strong, but not too much, either) Walgreens has a good generic brand.

Kraft Easy Mac
These are much easier than making the whole box, and Ty loves them. Just 3 ½ minutes in the microwave, and presto! Lunch! We started with the individual cups, but the value pack with the pouches are just as easy and less expensive. In fact, I’m stocking up this week and getting them for just $1 for a box of 6.
One Thing I’m Noticing:
Texas is a Bit Behind Utah in some things.
Now, I know Texans would never agree with me on this, but there are some things that we’re behind on here. Like Redbox: Utah’s had that for ages, and we just got one in our neighborhood this week. Also, I haven’t seen any self-checkout registers at any stores, and they’re all over Utah.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A Song Remembered

You couldn't miss it, really. Anyone new who participated in Sunday services could be seen perking up a bit when the singing began, because right there, in the smack-dab center of the chapel would be Roxie, singing loud and clear with all the feeling she could muster. I don't know how to describe it--not off-tune, not shrill; just signature Roxie. I loved her for that. I'm sure she knew she didn't have the finest singing voice, but she wasn't singing for herself, or anyone else in the room, for that matter. She was singing to her Heavenly Father, whom it was instantly apparent she had a tight relationship with.
I knew her for only the last three years of her life. Some people, when they reach the age of 91 might think it's their turn for a break. Not Roxie. This woman, in a four-foot-something frame, had a giant spirit. When a sister whom she visit taught fell ill and needed help, it was Roxie who let us in the Relief Society know. And before anyone else could help this sister, Roxie had already gone out to the store in her big boat of a car--with her head barely clearing the dashboard--to get some food and other items. A couple weeks before I moved, Roxie had a stroke and was put into a rehabilitation center. Her first comment to the Relief Society Presidency was her concern that she might not get her visiting teaching done that month!
Roxie also attended all the Enrichment Meetings. I got to sit next to her in March as we played a getting-to-know-you type board game. We all laughed and agreed when on one turn she chose the word Spunky to describe herself.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Maifest Fun

Ty rode on his first roller coaster and loved it!
He was really proud of himself for holding on so tight.

After the exciting coaster, we went for something more mellow with the bouncy castle.
From Brenham we went about 10 miles Northeast to St. Claire's Monestary. The nuns there breed and raise miniature horses. They are soooooo cute! (The horses, not the nuns) We saw many baby ones, even a day-old foal. This was the favorite part of the day for all of us. The little ones were about 18 inches tall, and were so gentle and curious. Tyler kept petting them and tickling them, and they would play back--it was really cool.
Because it is a monestary with a "cloistered, contemplative Order," it is only open for two hours each day and has self-guided tours. It was very interesting.
We finished the day by having dinner at a Biker Grill in the town of Novasota. My Reuben wasn't very good, but Brad's Texas Filled Spud was! A huge, huge potato stuffed with BBQ beef, cheese, bacon, butter and sour cream. Very filling! And very Texas. I guess I should save the German Reubens for the German festivals!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
If You Ever Plan to Motor West...
Upon entering the 1970's lobby, you'll instantly be taken to the far-away land of India, native home of the proprietor. Several different strong and spicy incense sticks burning simultaneously will leave you and your clothes smelling sweet for days to come!
Don't let the rust stains and mold fool you! If you want to sleep in air-conditioned comfort, Canyonlands Motor Inn is for you!
They are so confident in their 100% safety guarantee, they laugh at the thought of using smoke detectors. (Besides, they just get annoying going off all the time with the burning insence.)
No need for clunky and bothersome shampoo bottles and bars of soap. They'll provide the same magical aqua-marine colored soap at the sink and in the shower.
This is Brad enjoying the luxury of the the lukewarm trickly shower in the comfort of his Teva's. We just weren't up for the adventure of battling foot fungus this time around, what with the long drive ahead of us. Maybe next time we'll be more daring.
Other bonuses not pictured:
*Be sure to get your TV remote control from the clerk upon check-in.
*Enjoy the game of "What Lamp works, and what lamp has the cord chopped off?"
*And please don't forget the age-old question of: Is that a man's or a woman's greasy handprint on the wall?