Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Q Tips

I know we're not supposed to stick anything smaller than our elbow in our ear, but come on! Is my eardrum really gonna rupture? Is earwax really going to be smashed in there so much that I go deaf? I'm gonna need concrete evidence before I stop one of my favorite daily activities!


  1. I'm with ya, Sal. I live for daily Q-tippage.

  2. I love my Qtips!! (I have an ear thing.)

  3. I like your new layout! I think we were working on ours at the same time. I kept checking yours and it was different each time. Fun!

  4. Super cute layout.

    I feel fine about my ear cleanings. I haven't gone deaf yet!

  5. Just a few references from my husband, who sometimes still uses q-tips to clean his ears. ;)

    1. Guest JF, Greener MJ, Robinson AC, Smith AF. Impacted cerumen: composition, production, epidemiology and management. QJM. 2004;97:477-488.
    2. Pulec JL, Deguine C. Traumatic perforation: Q-tip injury. Ear Nose Throat J. 2003;82:484.
    3. Nussinovitch M, Rimon A, Volovitz B, et al. Cotton-tip applicators as a leading cause of otitis externa.Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2004;68:433-435.

  6. You're silly,we still use qtips to clean our ears. But nothing feels as good as doing a good ear candle cleaning. YOu can get them at the health food store. It's amazing how much wax comes out. Just another fun and exciting activity for FHE!

  7. Oh and I like the new look! And guess what we are going to see Sound of Music at Tuchanhn this weekend I'm so excited.

  8. Okay so my boyfriend in high school's mom went deaf for a while from using q-tips

  9. I am a Q-tip addict and have made a deal with myself that I can only clean my ears once a week. If I do it more I get middle ear infections that KILL! I must be a digger or something.

  10. Great to read about the family!
    I personally love Qtips also- use em everday and as far as I know I can still hear!

  11. Thanks for the comment. We are in fact LDS! What ward are you in? Where in Utah are you from? Don't worry I'm a Q-tip addict also, but receive many warnings from my husband. He's an audiologist and has seen lots of Q-tip injuries! :) Let me know how you like Aquarena Springs.


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